Our COVID-19 Safety Protocols for Sunday Celebrations

Since our reopening to in-person attendance on Sunday mornings, Unity on the Bay has been committed to your safety. To provide a safe environment for you, we:

  • Require pre-registration for all those wanting to attend in-person so that we can limit the number of people in the room.

  • Space chairs out in the room to allow 6 feet between each person or party. Those who share the same household are welcome to sit together.

  • Require everyone to wear a mask that covers both their mouth and nose.

  • Frequently sanitize surfaces especially between Sunday Celebrations.

  • Require social distancing of at least 6 feet. No handshaking, fist bumping, hugging, etc.

For now, our Sunday Celebrations are the only activities that are in-person at Unity on the Bay. If you are not comfortable with attending in-person, we provide both our 9:30am and 11:15am Sunday Celebrations LIVE online through our Facebook and Youtube channel.