Where we are with reopening

So much has changed since our last in-person Sunday Celebration at Temple Israel in March!  While we miss your physical presence, we are grateful for our unity of spirit and we are trusting in prayer that you and your family are safe, well and happy.

Like the rest of the world, we have traveled some fast and wild waters in moving our programs online, and we appreciate that you have stayed the course with us by joining us on Facebook, YouTube and Zoom. You have truly embodied the energy and life that is Unity on the Bay, regardless of physical proximity.  In some ways, we believe our spiritual bond has become stronger and more evident through this drama. Thank you.

Through the pandemic, we have done our best to make decisions that we believe are in the best interest of every member and friend of our community.  We are looking forward to being together again and we want to make sure that our return to in-person programs ensures the well-being of all.

We recently organized a Reopening Task Force composed of Trustees, staff and members.  This task force is charged to complete a plan for reopening Unity on the Bay -- a complex and detailed endeavor that involves ensuring we have the proper protocols and supplies to accommodate group gatherings that honor social distancing and sanitary practices.  The plan will also propose a reopening date for consideration by the Board of Trustees.  We are moving forward deliberately and carefully.  We want to be sure you have the best experience possible.

It is clear that in-person Sunday Celebrations and Wednesday OM Hours will be quite different experiences when they return, and we will do our best to keep you apprised of what to expect as a reopening date is determined.  Stay tuned for additional emails.

Please join us in affirming: “In our unity of spirit we are guided and prospered by divine love and wisdom.  Inspired ideas and actions that ensure the health and well-being of all are revealed and we trust God in moving through this challenging time with faith-filled hearts and confident momentum.”

We love you, bless you, and appreciate you (and we miss you!),

Rev. Chris Jackson
Senior Minister

Rev. Juan del Hierro
Associate Minister