Commemorate Juneteenth with these resources

Click on the titles below to be directed to the resource described.


Why Celebrating Juneteenth Matters Now, More Than Ever

Insightful article from Unity.Org about the importance of remembering what was, and celebrating what is, as a path to healing.


The Historical Legacy of Juneteenth

Brief, eye-opening article from the Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History and Culture.


The Meaning Behind the Juneteenth Flag and Other Holiday Traditions

Short article about significance of the official flag of Juneteenth and traditional ways of celebrating the day from L’OFFICIEL.


Juneteenth Was an Answer to Centuries of Prayer

Informative, in-depth article from Christianity Today about prayer and worship among African- Americans from the times of slavery through the civil rights movement.


Understanding & Celebrating Juneteenth

Not just for Juneteenth, this 9-page resource from the Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History and Culture helps parents and teachers explain and discuss Juneteenth, Freedom, Enslavement, and Race in general with children. It includes explanations, recommendations for age appropriate approaches, discussion questions, as well as a children’s book list and additional suggested resources.


Celebrate Juneteenth with These Beautiful Children’s Books

Booklist for parents from SheKnows.


Juneteenth Prayer

Divine Essence of All that there is and all that we are, on this Juneteenth, we honor the spirit of all the trafficked and enslaved people who toiled, hoped, prayed and sang with faith for the day of freedom. And we also celebrate liberators, then and now, role models, and everyday people who have fought the good fight. May their legacy always be remembered and inspire us. Today, let us work to end prejudice, oppression and exploitation towards anyone as we end all inequities towards all people, in honor of the one human family. We renew our commitment to doing the inner work and commit to taking right action as guided by Spirit.  We affirm the healing of our own prejudices and fears, so that we may serve as catalysts for change, reconciliation and healing. We affirm the dignity of each person to their rights of freedom and justice.    As we are created in God’s image we affirm that we have the courage and strength to use our freedoms to bring justice among people and nations everywhere. Grateful are we here and now, as we are reminded that there is only God.



YouTube Musical Playlist for Juneteenth or Anytime

Chill out and celebrate freedom...the freedom to be and express as you are, the freedom to know that you and the universe have your back, the freedom to march and work for change, the freedom to be joyful, the freedom to encourage and to let yourself be encouraged, and the freedom to simply celebrate who you are!